All About Knitting Acrylic Yarn (everything you need to know)

Acrylic yarn often gets a bad rap in the knitting community. Many people love it, many people hate it (so much that they consider themselves yarn snobs that would never touch it), and many people fall in between – they know when it can actually be a great choice for a project and realize there are times you may not want to use it. We’ll explore knitting with acrylic yarn in this article – and everything you should know about it.

While acrylic yarn has some drawbacks, it does deserve a place in the knitting world – it’s an affordable choice and it can be a great, washable, easy-care yarn with many uses.

In this article we’ll look at some of the important things you need to know about knitting acrylic yarn:

How Acrylic Yarn is Made

Properties of Acrylic Yarn

Knitting with Acrylic Yarn

Choosing Knitting Patterns

Caring for Finished Projects

Buying Acrylic Yarn

More Questions about Knitting Acrylic Yarn

We’ll look at all of these topics in-depth so you’ll know when acrylic is the right choice for your next knitting project.

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How Acrylic Yarn is Made

Before we dive in to the advantages and disadvantages of knitting acrylic yarn, how to care for your projects, and all of that – let’s take a quick look at how acrylic yarn is actually made.

All fibers for yarn can be divided into four broad categories – animal fibers (like wool yarn, silk, and alpaca), plant fibers (like cotton yarn and linen), biosynthetic fibers (like rayon and bamboo), and synthetic fibers (like acrylic and nylon). Acrylic yarns fall within the synthetic fibers category because it is a petroleum-based product that is engineered and manufactured to be a soft, light, and durable yarn. It is not a natural fiber – it is a man-made fiber.

The process for making acrylic yarn begins by melting and mixing the ‘ingredients’ before extruding them through spinnerets to create filament threads that are bundled together. These threads are then stretched and cut to imitate the staple length of other fibers before being combed and spun into yarn. In the end, that mixture of petroleum-based man-made materials ends up looking and feeling like real, natural fibers.

If you’d like to see the manufacturing process in action, here’s a video about the process for Red Heart Yarns:

Properties of Acrylic Yarn

Acrylic yarn gets a mixed review from knitters – sometimes unfairly. Acrylic yarn actually does have some good advantage that make it useful for knitting. But it does have some drawbacks that you should know about – so you can make the right choices for your knitting projects.

Advantages of Acrylic Yarn

Acrylic yarn actually has a long list of benefits. It’s perfect for hard-wearing projects that need to be tossed in the washing machine. here are some of the benefits of acrylic yarn:



wide-range of colors







doesn’t shrink

easily dye-able

Disadvantages of Acrylic Yarn

While acrylic yarn has some really great advantages, there are some drawbacks as well. These include:

can’t be blocked

odor absorbing

not breathable

prone to pilling

not insulating

can be scratchy

heat sensitive

Now that you understand the benefits and the drawbacks of using acrylic, you can choose the right types of knitting projects that it might be best suited for.

Knitting with Acrylic Yarn

Every acrylic yarn is different. Some will feel quite soft while you’re knitting, others might feel scratchy. Some will feels slippery and some will not. It just depends on how the filaments have been cut and spun and what the acrylic is blended with. For this reason, you’ll want to choose your knitting needles with care.

With slippery fibers it might be a better choice to knit with plastic, wood, or bamboo needles – something with some ‘grip’ so your stitches won’t slip and slide off the needles. For less slippery fibers you can use whatever types of needle material you prefer.

Choosing Knitting Patterns

Acrylic cannot be directly substituted for every pattern – it has its own characteristics that need to be considered when choosing an appropriate pattern.

Kids and baby garments and blankets are great for acrylic and acrylic blends because of the durability and easy care.

Acrylic yarn is a great choice for gifts and charity knitting. If you are knitting a gift and you know the recipient wants something easy to care for or you’re just not sure if they are willing to take the time to hand wash and dry, acrylic or acrylic blended yarn that are machine-washable and dry-able are a great choice.

Donation and charity knitting is also a great time to use acrylic because these types of things are often required to be easy-care and machine washable.

Avoid heavily cabled fabrics (especially sweaters) – the weight of the garment (because of those cables) becomes quite heavy. When it’s worked in wool, the wool has resilience, elasticity, and memory so it will hold its shape. Acrylic, on the other hand, does not have the resilience and memory that wool naturally has and it will sag with the weight of the garment.